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Chiropractic is a hands on approach to health care that focuses on disorders of the muskulo-skeletal and associated neurological systems and the effects of these disorders on general health. These disorders commonly include the spine: back and neck pain, headaches, sciatic and disc issues; but can also include shoulders, hips, elbows, knees, etc. The idea is to restore proper biomechanics (movement) to a joint using specific chiropractic adjustments thus allowing the body to function optimally. There is an intimate relationship between the joint, the muscle and the nervous system, and addressing all three of these will provide the most benefit to health.
Stretch Therapy
Fascia Stretch Therapy (FST) is an undulating stretching focused on fascia continuities rather than isolated muscles. Joint capsule and myofascia are decompressed and taken to a much further range without pain. This is done using techniques such as traction, rotation, circumduction and oscillation through a range of motion.
The benefits of FST include:
1. improved posture
2. increased flexibility
3. enhanced physical fitness
4. reduced risk of injury
5. reduced muscular tension and soreness
6. improved lymph and blood flow
7. Improved neural dynamics
8. promotes physical and mental relaxation
9. reduces or eliminates back problems and pain
10. induces release of endorphins which act as natural pain suppressants
11. promotes development of body awareness
12. encourages self-discipline and self-knowledge
13. reduced pain associated with menstruation
14. promotes learning, practice and performance movements
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